Monday 22 June 2009

photo test

This is a test to see how easily i can upload photos.


  1. By the time you get this you will already have had some adventures!! Keep safe and well love you loads Mumx

  2. Have requested one yha sim - cost £12 so will do the other next month.
    Expect thunder storm was pretty spectacular - hope you managed to keep dry!
    Will look forward to hearing from you soon lol Mumx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well done 1st mountain climbed - must be a good feeling despite the heat! Looking forward to seeing photos and reading your stories..... lol Mumx

  5. Great to speak to you the other night - how spooky is that meeting up with some Ozzie mates of Harry's what a small world! lol Mumx
